What part of me is bleeding?
What part of me is bleeding?
Is it my heart, beating red and still pushing blood to my brain as it struggles to keep up with an aging, increasingly heavy strain.
Is it my hair, as the color leaves strand by strand abandoning the thin grey bits to join some more youthful lass.
Perhaps it is my feet, burdened by years of baby carrying, milk getting, chuckle walking.
My womanhood may weep blood of a healthier kind as I am reminded of those children and more that will never be, babies I won't forward into life because there has to be a stopping, a moving into the next stage.
Nay, it is my wisdom which twists away with my never-good-memory, this I am supposed to gain but where is it going as fast as I gain it?
Is it my knees, pudgy to the end, where each step is pulled forward and each step ends.
My lungs, my liver, my intestines?
What part of me is bleeding?
But that part unseen, unfelt, unhanded, my years.
I first had to chuckle when I saw you posted your age in your profile as 108. Then your poem speaks of aging I think...changing...aging...
and this can be something to laugh at in order to let it be doable...me I hope to age gracefully (as possible) and so far so good...I hope the same for you too.
Echo, dear...we are not meant to bleed forever--there is a time when we are blessed to stop bleeding and rest, take time to nurture ourselves!
Nature can take away our youth but can give back something sweeter-- I did not believe this until I found out by living it...
This is a puzzle, each of can search for the answer!
oops... u draw a picture that is enchanting and poignant at the same time..
i wonder what element in this poem makes me read it again and again...
the first time i read it, i saw the image of a martyr... another Christ crucified... is this the path of salvation... the way we live to be human?
just i think you have lived the life like a real human... you have not escaped it...
Looks like my pigeon . . . I'd wondered what had become of her.
I am glad that she has life to keep her company. Must have been a long flight!
simple yet poignant!!!
I also wonder sometimes, which part of me is bleeding that cause so much pain. the verse reflects infinite and deep experience through words. i read twice and may be come to u again for further.
Hello Echo,
You commented on my blog a while back, but only now have I had time to properly take a look at your blog. It's lovely. This poem really touched my heart...I will certainly find my way back here...
My wishes to you are for a peaceful year coming, with many happy surprises around each corner.
(You will certainly notice them)
a late
Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
May all your days shine with light and brim with juice of life... love...
echo, it works the same on men, sans some bleeding, of course...
happy new year to you and yours :D
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