Are you busy?
Are you busy?
Can you send the kids out to the movies for a while?
The tears won't stop now,
my face is hot in the sun.
I need to breathe you,
I need to cry out loud
and scream.
I need to curl up in the warmth of your flesh
and let you be
comfort, love.
I need to scream
and my face needs to be streaked with wet dust
where nobody can be disturbed.
I just need to cry
Real wails, real gasps and snot
where your absorbency can just hold me
no lectures or commiserations
breast and body, hair and eyes.
Are you busy?
I need to cry.
Can you send the kids out to the movies for a while?
The tears won't stop now,
my face is hot in the sun.
I need to breathe you,
I need to cry out loud
and scream.
I need to curl up in the warmth of your flesh
and let you be
comfort, love.
I need to scream
and my face needs to be streaked with wet dust
where nobody can be disturbed.
I just need to cry
Real wails, real gasps and snot
where your absorbency can just hold me
no lectures or commiserations
breast and body, hair and eyes.
Are you busy?
I need to cry.